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items 49 - 60 of 107 total
FOODHERBS Kalarchikai Powder
FOODHERBS Karpooravali Powder
FOODHERBS Karpooravalli Powder
Indian borage, also known as karpooravalli in Tamil, is a medicinal herb revered for its plethora of therapeutic properties that have been cherishe...
FOODHERBS Keelanelli Powder
FOODHERBS Koraikilangu Powder
FOODHERBS Kuppaimeni Powder
Anti-inflammatory:Indian Nettle powder is an excellent skin rejuvenator due to its potent antimicrobial action, thus making it one of the reliable ...
FOODHERBS Lemon Peel Powder
FOODHERBS presents Lemon Peel Powder known for its vibrant yellow color and delightful, invigorating aroma. This natural skin cleanser infuses your...
FOODHERBS Licorice Powder
Licorice, also known as “sweet root”, is an excellent classical ayurvedic remedy for cough and cold. This grandma remedy has secured a reliable spa...
FOODHERBS Licorice Root Powder
FOODHERBS Lippia Nodiflora Powder
Lippia Nodiflora or Phyla Nodiflora has been an indispensable ingredient in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Siddha for centuries. Co...
FOODHERBS Manjistha Powder
Manjistha or Indian Madder is revered for its skin-whitening properties since time immemorial. We at FOODHERBS have tapped this property of manjist...
FOODHERBS Masoor Dal Powder